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3 day Professional Development for Social Enterprise Advisors
23rd - 25th June Consider the business model behind social enterprise *Working with clients to develop plans and outline proposals *Advising your clients on the market place and viability *Tools of the ...
Event date: Tue, 23 June 2009�� Read more... on "3 day Professional Development for Social Enterprise Advisors"

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Other news: Health & Social Care � a co-operative perspective

Read a report from this event which was held at Pride Park, Derby FC on Monday 30 March 2009.

"We were wowed!! The audience of health professionals, local government and community organisations working in health & social care were treated to an invigorating morning of what is going on in the co-operative and social enterprise sector, working for the good of their local communities and residents.

Ursula Lidbetter, Chair of Co-operatives EM, led the event with an overview of the specific differences of co-operatives, the benefits to their members and customers and the links in promoting wellbeing through a variety of
co-operative models.

Phil Hope MP, Minister of State for Care Services, was welcomed and, despite his busy schedule, gave time to reiterate the need for joined up public services and the need to treat people holistically. PCTs are now obliged to consider social and co-operative enterprise for delivery of services but there is a clear requirement for �evidence based� examples that can be replicated in all parts of the country � the challenge is ours.

Mick Taylor from Mutual Advantage highlighted examples where empowerment of people and staff really makes a difference, where end users are taking charge of their individual needs.

Helen Griffiths inspiringly reported on Principia, the co-operative/social enterprise of 100 GPs in South Rushcliffe who, alongside their patients, decide and deliver health services. She highlighted the Board structure and governance but reflected that the Government needs to address the issue of how staff are converted to a co-operative/social enterprise without losing their terms and conditions within the NHS.

Delegates learned how the consumer co-operatives of Midlands Co-operative and The Co-operative Group, through their retail stores, are getting a message across about healthy eating, the environment, local food and linking with a variety of community projects to support many and varied initiatives. We were treated to a first hand report by 7 young boys from Derby Grammar School who each in turn gave their own understanding of a co-operative, the environment, honest labelling, good food and saving the planet. The school has formed close links with Midlands Co-operative who give their support to educate and inform.

Charles Cooke from Lincolnshire Co-operative Development Agency discussed strategic planning of opportunities in the personalisation of health and social care, developing brokerage and supporting new ways of delivery that do meet needs and can transform existing services.

At grass root level, Sarah Pollard from Shepshed Carers identified how, from simple beginnings from a dining room to now � 15 years on � a small idea can successfully meet the needs of local people in their own homes. 108 carers are now employed � contracted to the PCT and Adult Social Care Services to offer a successful co-operative solution. Business support from CaSEda,
the co-operative development agency in Leicester.

To end the morning, delegates were treated to a good dose of enthusiasm and optimism � Nick Padwick � from Co-operative Farms in Stoughton. He spoke of how young people get a taste of where their food is grown, how to cook it and he supplied a much sought after cookery book. The programme is increasingly attracting schools and is supported by the Co-operative Group.

Health Information and Services were available from Disability Direct, Enabled Art, Derby Hospitals NHS Trust, SEEM (Social Enterprise East Midlands), Co-operatives East Midlands, Lincolnshire CDA and The Co-operative Pharmacy."