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Other news: Centre for Social Justice latest policy report

'Locked Up Potential: A Strategy for Reforming Prisons and Rehabilitating Prisoners' has now been published, it presents the conclusions of the Centre for Social Justice Prison Reform Working Group chaired by Jonathan Aitken.

The 276 page report provides a comprehensive analysis of and 70 policy recommendations for our failing prison system, including: prison management and governance; overcrowding; mental health and substance abuse; prisoners� families; personal development through education, training, work and the arts; prisoners and their victims; resettlement, and three proposed new Acts of Parliament.

The three core recommendations of the report are:

� Localising the management of the prison system by abolishing the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) and replacing it with a network of Community Prison and Rehabilitation Trusts (CPRTs).
� Scrapping the Titan prison programme and reinvesting part of the budget to build five recommended new Mitson Academy model prisons.
� Revolutionising prison rehabilitation to reduce re-offending and its annual �12 billion cost.

Copies of the full report and Executive Summary are available to download here: www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk